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Food Empowerment Not Another Diet

It’s Time For a Different Approach


So many successful women struggle with food.

Do you find yourself asking these questions over and over again?

“Why can’t I just stop eating?”

“Why don’t I have any willpower?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

It’s NOT about having willpower and there’s nothing wrong with you! 

Regain confidence, freedom and joy with food again!

Imagine what your life could be! Imagine the freedom if you …

  • No longer used food as a coping mechanism
  • Feel in control around food
  • Simply eat when hungry and stop eating when full
  • Feel NO shame or guilt around food
  • Achieve a comfortable weight and maintain it with ease
  • Feel good inside your own body and are having fun wearing stylish clothes again.

The Food Empowerment Group is the perfect place to start!

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martha sally Marcie dinner ack cropped

 The Food Empowerment group sets you up for life-long success around food. It will help you rediscover pleasure and joy as well as an understanding of what triggers you to turn to food when you aren’t physically hungry.

You’ll  learn what works for you — and what doesn’t — so you may start to walk down the path of food empowerment yourself.

Let’s shift the power away from the food, and back to you where it belongs.

The Food Empowerment Group Program

This program is NOT another diet. It is a powerful program that reveals the science and the whys behind yo-yo dieting and emotional eating so you can finally flip the triggers and take back control. This program is specifically designed to help high achieving women regain their power over food. It provides the missing information, as well as the support you need, to release shame and guilt and regain confidence when it comes to food and how you feel in your own body.
You’ll walk away from this program with …
  • An understanding of what drives emotional eating for you
  • Identification of the harmful thought patterns and behavior patterns that keep you stuck
  • Reduced episodes of emotional eating
  • Practical tools for permanently stopping emotional eating
  • Knowing how to put Food Empowerment into practice
  • A new sense of confidence that you can finally break the cycle.
Quote Pegine Echevarria

Is the Food Empowerment Group for You?

If you’ve struggled to find a solution to the gaining and losing (over and over again) of the same 20-30-40-50 pounds …

If you often feel out of control around food and lament a lack of willpower …

If you feel guilt or shame around how and what you eat …

If you’ve tried every diet under the sun and found yourself saying, “I’ll start Monday” more times than you can count …

If you find yourself asking, ‘why can’t I make quick work of losing this weight, like I make quick work of every other thing I deal with each day?’

… Then this program is made for you.

You’ll thrive in this program if you’re open to new ideas and different approaches, and are ready to tackle habitual behaviors — and their root causes.

This program is about helping you create a foundation for lifestyle changes that create long-term impact.

Food Empowerment is about making sure that you feel as comfortable and empowered in your own skin as you feel in the other areas of your life — and stopping the cycle of emotional eating for good.

happy woman over dinner

How Does it Work?


The Food Empowerment Program is an 8-week, virtual group program.

We’ll meet weekly on a 90-minute Zoom call from October 17 – December 12 to explore the topic of the week together and receive group coaching.

Additionally, you’ll receive …

    • Weekly topics, tools, handouts and exercises
    •  Invitation to a private community where you’ll find daily support from me,  answers to your questions, inspiration, and support from other participants in the group
    • Recordings of all the Zoom calls.

Weekly Topics

    1.   Program Overview: Review the Food Empowerment group program, explore the drivers of emotional eating and learn the 1st habit interruption tool
    2. Breaking the Crave-Binge-Crash Cycle: How eating patterns affect your body, how you can get into a vicious cycle as a result, and how changing these patterns can break the cycle
    3.   Achieving a Healthy Relationship with Food: Nutrient-dense foods versus “play” foods, how food rules and diets can feed the vicious cycle and how to learn to trust your body’s signals
    4.   Understanding Cravings and Habit Loops: managing cravings, creating healthier eating habits, the fascinating role of your brain, and the 2nd habit interruption tool
    5.   Mindset Matters: Identifying and managing limiting beliefs, fears, and negative self-talk, and how to shift from a “deprivation mindset” to an “empowered mindset”
    6.   Managing Personal Triggers: How to identify and manage your personal triggers
    7.   Radical Self Care: The role of self-care and self-compassion, how to set critical boundaries, and how your environment can set you up for success
    8.   Your Personal Roadmap: Assess where you are on the Food Empowerment path, define your vision and goals and create your personal roadmap.

Wrap-up Call: Bringing it all together — how to go forward from here.

    What Past Group Participants Have to Say

    The program exceeded my expectations. I have been on this journey a long time and there were so many revelations I enjoyed during our time together– I had no idea. The lessons and practices uncovered obstacles I didn’t even know existed and gave me hope for authentic, lasting transformation.

    — Anamaria J.

    I would recommend the program for anyone feeling out of control with their eating. I thought all parts of the program were very effective and the content was high quality.

    I enjoyed the group interaction and the group members — everyone was so supportive, and it felt very safe to share. It was helpful to hear other’s challenges and realize that you are not alone.

    — Claudia F.

    I would 110% recommend this program to anyone who feels that they are not in a good relationship with food. It changes your perspective on food, choices, the why’s of your choices and helps you to become more self-compassionate. The concepts and techniques are easily adaptable for anyone looking to break free from battles with food.

    I loved the group aspect of the program and thought that it was very impactful for me as a participant. Having a group of compassionate people who understood and have experienced similar food issues made me very comfortable in sharing openly and honestly. I also enjoyed and learned from them as well.

    — Stephanie S.

    About Marcie

    marcie wine tiramisu

    Marcie Desmond

    Nationally Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach is ready to help you break the cycle of emotional eating and find empowerment, joy, and freedom around food again.

    I struggled with emotional eating since I was a teenager and finally broke free in my fifties.

    I know what it’s like to feel the power shift from food back to me—I want you to experience that feeling, too!

    On top of the 25+ years of corporate and executive-level experience I bring, I’ve invested time and effort in my own health education and training to become a nationally Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach who focuses on food empowerment:

      • I went through a year-long training with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
      • I immersed myself in an intensive specialist training in emotional and binge eating and am a licensed Eating Freely practitioner.
      • I passed the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC) national board exam, which is given in collaboration with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME).

    This list is to share that when you participate in this program, you will not only receive the heart-centered and compassionate support we all deserve, but you can be assured that the information and knowledge I share is based in health science and not the latest fad or trend.

    Marcie took me out of a very dark place where I felt like food had control over my life. I’m no longer restricting or binging. I would not be where I am today without Marcie. — Jess N.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do I have to follow a special diet during the program?

    No! This program is focused on developing a healthier relationship with food, not on telling you what you must eat (or not eat). We will learn how our eating patterns affect us mentally, emotionally, and physically and how to effectively “nourish” ourselves (in a way that works for you personally), but there are no specific food plans or food requirements.

    Will this program be hard to do with the holidays coming?

    No!  This is a perfect time of year to do this work as you’ll be learning how to have a more empowered and peaceful relationship with food.  This will help take the stress out of the holidays AND give you a chance to put the strategies you are learning into practice real time. The timing is perfect!

    How much of my time will this take?

    The weekly call is 90 minutes on Monday evenings. You will have some exercises to do during the week, but they won’t take much extra time as they are more about developing awareness and applying some new approaches to what you are already doing. 

    How does the Happiness Guarantee work?

    It’s super easy. If you start the program and feel it’s not the right fit for you for any reason, you can request a refund up to 10 days after the start date. Just send me an email at and I’ll promptly refund your investment. 

    Can I do this with a friend?

    Absolutely, and I highly recommend it! In fact, I’ll give you an incentive – if you join with a friend, the second registration is 50% off! Just email me at to let me know and I will provide either a special code to use for the second registration or a refund to an existing registration.


    Questions – If you have any questions about the program, just reach out! I’d love to help you determine if this is a good fit for you. CONTACT ME.

    Happiness Guarantee & Refund Policy – I am confident that you’re going to love all that this program offers. Please ensure you read the full program details on this page before purchasing. However, if you are not satisfied with the program, you may request a full refund up to ten days after the start of the program. I take a heart-centered approach in my business and desire to meet and exceed your expectations. To honor your refund request, please contact me by email.

    Disclaimer – This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. The information provided in this program is for general educational purposes, has not been reviewed nor approved by the FDA, and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional, licensed dietitian, or nutritionist. You are solely responsible for your health care and activity choices.